He's Gone Grapes!

What You Can Expect

Inspiration. Encouragement. Enjoyment.  To say the least! 


This post is simply to give you an idea of some of the things you might find here on Hesgonegrapes.com.  It is also to give myself a reference point.  As this site evolves, I will look back to see growth in myself and I don’t mind sharing that with you all.  


In short, the list below is what one can expect when visiting my blog:


  • Writings on experiences at wineries

  • Photos of wineries and a few of my own photography

  • A blurb or few containing inspirational thoughts

  • Tips and guides on visiting wineries


Overall, it is my goal to inspire you.  That is the foundation of this website.  The way that I do this is through something that I find great joy and growth in doing which is traveling and visiting different wineries.  I do hope that you choose to visit a winery or two because I love to share that experience, but if you don’t that is ok too.  There will be lots of good things here for you as well.  I believe that writing about my experiences at wineries as well as some of the tips I will give will be helpful even if wine isn’t your thing.  You can apply some of it to other areas of life as well.  


So expect to be delighted, inspired and to learn about some of the best wineries to visit near and far.  

Thank you for wandering to wonderful wineries with me!


B. Long

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