Here's the "Why"
At HHG I believe in the power of the “In and En’s”. That is the Inspiration, Encouragement and Enjoyment of life. I work hard to find all of those things when I travel and visit wineries. Even more important, I work to pass on those attributes to others. Let’s speak about how I work through this website to accomplish this mission.
Inspiration. It comes from many, many places. Family, friends, art and nature are just a few of the things that inspire me, not only to visit wineries and try wine, but also in other facets of life. That includes being inspired to pause and be grateful, which is a high priority. When I created HHG, I sought to inspire others. It is not to inspire you to go to wineries and/ or to try wine, rather to inspire you to try life! What does that mean? It means to try things that inspire gratitude and joy within you. We believe that inspiration is contagious. If wine happens to inspire you, then, go for it. Responsibly!
Encouragement. We believe this is a simple task. By merely listening to someone and offering, where appropriate, kind words of wisdom or acknowledgement, we can encourage others. Encourage others to not only dream, but to go after those dreams. We must encourage ourselves in this manner as well. Traveling can be daunting, and going into places that, while public, may not be inviting takes some doing. We must encourage ourselves to remain kind and to be open to new experiences.
Enjoyment. Enjoying life is simple, right? Not always. But when we do things that bring us joy and we reflect on them, we recognize the enjoyment in the moment. It is our task to show you our experiences in hopes that you will also take time to enjoy what you do in your life.
It is He’s Gone Grapes’ (hesgonegrapes.com) mission to inspire you to try new things, to encourage you to dream and go after them and to wish you to enjoy life and its processes.